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Beach Dental's Blog

Must-Do At-Home Maintenance Tips to Make Your Dentures Last

February 10, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:43 pm
dentures soaking in water overnight

When you get a brand-new toy, you’re probably not thinking too hard about how to make it last. You just want to enjoy it as long as possible! However, if you don’t take care of it, you can’t expect it to stay in good shape for a substantial amount of time. The same can be said for your new dentures. If you neglect them every day, how long do you think your dentures will last? To help you extend their lifespan, here are essential at-home maintenance tips for your restored smile.


Oh, Not Ouch! Why Regular Teeth Cleanings Are Comfortable and Important

January 9, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:54 pm
woman fearful of dental pain covering her mouth while in the dentist chair

Unless you have a specific mental illness, no one enjoys being in pain. In fact, you might be surprised by the lengths some people willingly go to in order to avoid it. Unfortunately, going to the dentist even just for a cleaning is often feared to be one of these situations. However, a simple teeth cleaning, when performed by a trained professional, shouldn’t hurt. If you have an existing issue, like a cavity or bleeding gums, you may experience some sensitivity, but otherwise you shouldn’t feel any pain during a cleaning.

To keep you motivated to see your dentist regularly for dental cleanings, it might help to learn more about them, why they matter, and what you can do to enhance your dental experience.


Naughty Foods and Drinks to Avoid after Teeth Whitening

December 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:14 pm
smiling family about to eat a holiday dinner together at the table

This holiday season, you have a busy schedule full of get-togethers. You have your work party, where you’d like to impress your boss, as well as several family dinners, where you want to show your concerned relatives that you’re doing well. To prepare for the festivities, you get your teeth professionally whitened so that your smile looks its best.

But if you want to hold onto your teeth’s brilliance, you’ll need to be more careful about what you eat and drink, especially soon after having the procedure done. What should you stay away from or at least limit for the next little while? Check out these common staining foods and beverages to avoid in order to keep your teeth whitening results.


Is Cosmetic Dentistry Good for Teens?

November 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:05 pm
group of smiling teens taking a selfie

It seems like yesterday that your child was just learning to walk, to pretend, and to read. In a flash, they’ve become a teenager—almost a grownup! You may wish your beloved teen could stay young and carefree forever, but even at this tender age, they can face some adult concerns and dilemmas already. For instance, your teen may start to notice flaws in their smile and feel self-conscious. But is cosmetic dentistry a good idea for teenagers? Keep reading to learn why you can consider making these improvements with a clear conscience and which cosmetic treatments are especially beneficial for teens.


Safety First: 4 Ways Your Dentist Makes Dental Implants Safe for You

October 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:48 pm
older patient smiling with the dentist next to her

As a careful, smart patient, you want to know the risks before you start any treatment, especially before you undergo surgery. When it comes to getting dental implants, there are relatively few! For decades, millions who have lost teeth have replaced them with dental implants with no complications or trouble. In fact, it’s successful in over 95 percent of cases!

But how is this procedure so safe? What makes dental implants something you shouldn’t be afraid to receive? Obviously, having a clean office is essential, but keep reading to learn what your dentist does to put your safety first.


4 Things You Didn’t Know Your Dentist Does During Your Routine Checkup

September 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:48 pm
closeup of a patient being examined during their checkup

At first, you may think you know exactly what your dentist does during your dental checkup. They obviously check for cavities, but it may surprise you to learn that there are several other things they accomplish while you’re in the chair. What else are they doing that you may not already know about? Keep reading to find out!


Check Dentures Light: 4 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Them

August 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:25 pm
older man holding his face in discomfort

Most modern cars have gauges and alerts for their various systems. When a tire loses pressure or your engine needs to be checked, a light shows on your dashboard. When you’re running out of gas, your car lets you know. However, when it comes to your dentures, there may not be an obvious warning system, unfortunately, but if you’re paying close attention, you can recognize the signs that it’s time to meet with your dentist and replace your prosthetic teeth.


Vacation Nightmare: Handling a Dental Emergency on Your Trip

July 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:19 pm
two suitcases at the airport with an airplane in the background

When you imagined taking your vacation, you probably didn’t envision dealing with a dental emergency. Away from home, you may not know where to turn for help or what to do. Here is some information that can help you get through the situation and help you enjoy the rest of your vacation.


Want an Easier Dental Checkup and Cleaning? Here Are 5 Tips

June 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:29 pm
smiling patient looking at the dentist

In a book, the story is far more exciting and interesting when complications come up for the protagonist. In real life, however, sometimes having an uneventful experience is a good thing! For instance, when you visit the dentist for a checkup and cleaning, you probably want the appointment to go smoothly with as few frustrations and issues as possible. Unfortunately, under certain circumstances, the visit may not go as well as you might have hoped. Here are some tips to make your next dental checkup easier for both you and your dentist.


Prepare for Summer Fun: 5 Ways to Get Your Smile Beach Ready

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:26 pm
couple smiling with the sunset at the beach in the background

Are you planning on visiting the beach this summer? It is estimated that 129 million visits occur every year, and it’s obvious why. Warm sun, crashing waves, and fun times make this pastime attractive for millions of people in need of relaxation. In order to have an enjoyable experience, you need to be ready with sunscreen, sunglasses, etc. While preparing your smile may not necessarily be at the top of your list, it’s important to get ready before you head to the beach. Here are some ways to make sure your smile is ready to soak up the sun this summer!

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