Standing in front of the mirror, you’re getting ready for a special night and want to look your best. You put on your favorite shirt and make sure your hair and makeup are just right, but then you notice just how dull your smile appears. It’s amazing how one little detail like the color of your teeth can put a damper on your confidence and make you look older. Fortunately, you don’t have to only accept what time has done to your smile. You can brighten your teeth and restore your youthful glow with this advice from your dentist in Westhampton.
What Makes Teeth Look Yellow?
When you drink your coffee in the morning or eat spaghetti for dinner, you likely don’t notice a huge difference in the color of your teeth right away. However, over time, deeply pigmented foods and drinks can stain the enamel of your teeth, making them look dull, yellow, or even brown or black. Discoloration can also occur as a result of taking certain medications or simple genetics. In addition, bad habits such as smoking can leave stains on your teeth that are difficult to remove by yourself.
Can I Whiten My Teeth on My Own?
At home, you’ve likely tried to take care of these yellow stains on your own with brushing and found that this isn’t enough. Perhaps you’ve even attempted to whiten your teeth with commercial solutions you can find at the store. These over-the-counter options may promise to dramatically brighten your smile, but in reality they only result in two or three shades of difference. They simply aren’t powerful enough to remove deep-set stains.
What Can Be Done to Whiten Yellow Teeth?
If you’re looking for a radical change in the coloring of your teeth, you need professional-grade whitening to get the job done. Your cosmetic dentist can provide treatment that penetrates deep into the enamel and removes years of stains with a powerful bleaching agent. In fact, these solutions have been known to brighten teeth by as many as ten shades! Although some dental practices will choose one or the other, combining both in-office and at-home treatment allows the dentist to give you the best possible results.
Whether you’re wanting to make a strong first impression on a date, getting ready for a big promotion or an important event at work, or needing to give your confidence a boost, teeth whitening can help you feel comfortable enough to let your smile show in any situation. When you turn to your dentist, you can count on getting results quickly and noticing a huge difference in how you look and feel about your appearance. Schedule your consultation now to start whitening treatment!
About the Practice
At Beach Dental, Dr. Jason Parli and Dr. Alexis Gersten each have many years of clinical experience. For every individual patient, they customize care and offer a unique whitening treatment that consists of both in-office and at-home care for optimal results. If you have questions about teeth whitening or would like to schedule a consultation to discuss teeth whitening, you can contact Beach Dental by clicking here.