Are you on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media apps? Of course! If you’re like millions of Americans, you’ve seen the latest videos with new health advice. Whether you want to shed your COVID weight or improve your health, these sites are full of trendy ways to help—but beware!
Although you can find plenty of good advice online from your favorite influencers, there are some trends that could be harmful. Keep reading to learn about fads your dentist doesn’t want you to follow in order to protect your smile.
Apple Cider Vinegar
For years, celebrities and social media personalities have raved about the benefits of having apple cider vinegar every day. Whether you drink it straight, dilute it in water, or take it another way, this liquid supposedly can help with weight loss, stomach aches, cholesterol and energy levels, and more. However, apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, which means that it can erode the hard enamel shell of your teeth. Over time, exposure to acidic substances can permanently diminish your teeth’s ability to fight cavities.
Lemon Juice Cleanse
At first glance, a juice cleanse may not seem dangerous to your teeth. However, when you bite and chew your food, your mouth salivates or produces a watery fluid to help break down foods. Your saliva also neutralizes acids and rinses away harmful bacteria. When you do not use your teeth by doing a juice cleanse, your mouth doesn’t make as much saliva, increasing your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
On top of the overall risk of juice cleanses, the most popular one—lemon—is particularly harmful for your smile. Like other citrus fruit, lemon is extremely acidic, which spells trouble for your tooth enamel and oral health.
Activated Charcoal
Within the last several years, products containing activated charcoal have captured the attention of many trendsetters, but the science doesn’t back up the hype. The American Dental Association has issued a statement saying that there is little evidence to substantiate claims that activated charcoal is beneficial for oral health. In fact, the abrasive texture could be harmful! In general, it’s best to stick with toothpaste and other products that contain fluoride rather than activated charcoal.
In the end, trends may come and go, but your smile is supposed to last a lifetime. Don’t get swept up in the temporary craze and put your teeth at risk. Do your best to discern what can help or harm your health, including your oral health. Keeping your smile strong may not be flashy, but a beautiful, confident smile is always on trend!
About the Practice
At Beach Dental, Dr. Alexis Gersten and Dr. Jason Parli are happy to serve as oral health experts for the Westhampton community. With more than 20 years of experience each, they have the requisite training to answer any question or address basically any need in-house. If you have questions about oral health trends, you can schedule an appointment at Beach Dental by visiting our Contact Us page or calling the office at 631-325-0731.